T.E.N. is a subsidiary of Doc Murphy Movements and is the apostolic covering for the Everywhere Church movement, and it is a fellowship for other local church congregations.
We aim to build disruptive, innovative congregations that penetrate communities with the message of the Kingdom of God and present a Modern Church Model to this nation and world. We bring a unique approach to church planting and we also train our congregants to be Kingdompreneurs (Christian business owners).
We purposely establish Everywhere Churches attacking the works of the enemy with an innovative paradigm called the "Jesus Model". We attack sin, poverty, sickness, and anything else that has families in bondage. Many churches are on the brink of disruptive change, driven by real faith, new technological possibilities, and multi-location trends. We aim to transform how the church makes disciples and plant churches by leveraging technology, creating discipleship-making apps, and many other new approaches, and in the process creating a multiplication of disciples that take over in their areas of influence.
Doc and Mary and T.E.N. Family of churches are connected to Bill Winston Ministries, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Exponential, and Mark Hankins Ministries.

Generic Mission: To plant at least 1 church in every city in the United States and then to the world through Everywhere Fire, including Everywhere Films and community outreach initiatives, and make Everywhere disciples by taking them through Everywhere University (our discipleship course). We will deploy our people in the community in their area of influence. We will accomplish this in 50 years because everyone needs to know about the love of Jesus so their lives can radically change for the better.
Slogan: Every City, Every State, Every Nation. Everywhere!
Vision: TEN will go everywhere in America (Jerusalem) and then to the uttermost parts of the earth. Acts 1:8. We will become the largest disciple-making force in US Church History.
TEN has its Music, Bible Colleges, church planting strategy, book publishing company, movies, business school, leadership school, conferences, and Kids and Youth curriculum.
The Embassy or Headquarters of DMM/TEN is located in Plano, Tx.
The annual MEGA Conference brings together all churches (mainly leaders and church volunteers) for a time of leadership training, vision casting, reports, and impartation from Doc and Mary Murphy. It is nicknamed "The Impartation Vacation".